Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Chapter 7 response

What Gerald is going through now is very tragety. I feel sorry for him because he has been going through a lot as a little kid. When his Aunt Queen died, he basically lost a mother because he had thought that she was his mom but really she wasnt. When my grandma died in about Agust of 2007 it was very hard for me. My grandma ment so much to me. I use to sleep over my grand parents house all the time, and go down the steps on our body pillows, and blankets. It was a lot of fun and like a little tradition. My grandma use to scream at my brother, my sisters, my cousins, and I all the time for riding down the steps. My grandma was not really healthy for about a year, then finally she gave up and she had a choice to keep fighting or for the doctors to pull the plug on her and she would die. She chose the doctors to pull the plug and i just remember her looking into my dads eye saying i love you so much and just let them pull the plug because i dont want to fight the pain anymore. I will never forget that and i will never forget my lovely, caring, hilarious grandma.

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